Carbon Reduction Plan.

Carbon Reduction Plan

Supplier name: Penpole Consulting Ltd.
Publication date: 5th February 2025

Commitment to achieving Net Zero
Penpole Consulting Ltd. is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2035.

Baseline Emissions Footprint
Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.
Baseline Year: 2023
Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations.
Baseline emissions calculations for 2023 are as follows.
Scope 1 refers to our direct emissions, from sources controlled by Penpole Consulting.
Scope 2 refers to indirect emissions from the consumption of purchased heating and electric.
Scope 3 is our largest category as it represents all other indirect emissions. There are 15 categories of Scope 3 emissions defined by the GHG Protocol but for the purpose of this baseline we will provide details of our emissions in the five categories detailed in the following Cabinet Office Technical Standards, namely: 4. Upstream transportation and distribution, 5. Waste generated in operations, 6. Business travel, 7. Employee commuting, 9. Downstream transportation and distribution.
Baseline year emissions:
Scope 1
Scope 1 Direct Emissions 0.0
Company Vehicle 0.0
On-site fuel combustion 0.0
Fugitive emissions 0.0

Scope 2
Scope 2 Indirect Emissions 1.7
Electricity (Office Use) 1.7
Purchased heating / cooling 0
Scope 3
(Included Sources)
Scope 3 All other indirect emissions 33.3
4. Upstream transportation and distribution 0.04
IT hardware deliveries 0.01
Courier & business postage 0.03
5. Waste generated in operations 0.7
General office waste 0.4
Electronic waste 0.3
6. Business Travel 3.1
Flights 0.1
Trains 0.1
Use of private vehicles 2.3
Hotels 0.1
Vehicle lifecycle emissions 0.5
7. Employee Commuting 1.0
Employee commuting 0.7
Employee teleworking 0.3
9. Downstream transportation and distribution 28.6
Services travel to client-site 28.6
Total Emissions 35.1

Current Emissions Reporting
Reporting Year: 2024
Scope 1
Scope 1 Direct Emissions 0.0
Company Vehicle 0.0
On-site fuel combustion 0.0
Fugitive emissions 0.0
Scope 2
Scope 2 Indirect Emissions 1.7
Electricity (Office Use) 1.7
Purchased heating / cooling 0
Scope 3
(Included Sources)
Scope 3 All other indirect emissions 26.9
4. Upstream transportation and distribution 0.04
IT hardware deliveries 0.01
Courier & business postage 0.03
5. Waste generated in operations 0.7
General office waste 0.4
Electronic waste 0.3
6. Business Travel 1.8
Flights 0.0
Trains 0.1
Use of private vehicles 1.1
Hotels 0.1
Vehicle lifecycle emissions 0.5
7. Employee Commuting 0.4
Employee commuting 0.2
Employee teleworking 0.3
9. Downstream transportation and distribution 24.0
Services travel to client-site 24.0
Total Emissions 28.7

Emissions reduction targets

To continue our progress with achieving Net Zero, we have adopted the following carbon reduction targets.
We project that carbon emissions will decrease over the next five years to 10.5 tCO2e by 2030. This is a reduction of 70%.
Progress against these targets can be seen in the graph below:

Carbon Reduction Projects

Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives

The following environmental management measures and projects have been completed or implemented since the 2023 baseline. The carbon emission reduction achieved by these schemes equates to 6.4 tCO2e, an 18%ge reduction against the 2023 baseline and the measures will be in effect for the duration of the contract and beyond.

Our completed carbon reduction projects include a move away from gas heating for our offices to a more efficient electric solution, we’ve also eliminated all emissions from commuting through the adoption of a remote working policy, and the hire of employees based within walking distance from our offices.

A significant reduction in emissions from business travel has been accomplished through the promotion of and increase in use of public transport, specifically rail services throughout 2024.

In addition, our downstream transportation and distribution emissions were reduced by 4.6 tCO2e by prioritising the allocation of service providers located within 100 miles of their main client-site.

Progress against these initiatives and activities is measured and reported on annually.

In the future we hope to implement further measures such as:
  • The electrification of vehicles used for business travel
  • Switching to an energy supplier that provides 100% renewably sourced electricity
  • Offsetting emissions through schemes such as the UK Woodland Carbon Code
  • Continuing with our annual reporting, and work towards ISO 14064 certification
  • Prioritise suppliers with sustainability certifications (e.g., ISO 14001).
  • We will continue to train employees on energy-saving practices and sustainability principles and promote active travel (e.g., cycling, walking) by offering incentives like the Cycle to Work Scheme
  • Prioritising the allocation of service providers local to their main client-site
  • The implementation of an e-waste recycling programme
  • Reducing the use of paper and all single use materials by rolling out tablets
  • Increasing recycling rates beyond the 40% average through continued education

Declaration and Sign Off

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.
Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting.
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard[3].
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).

Signed on behalf of the Supplier:

Alex Franklin, MD
Eleni Franklin, OD

5th February 2025